Authored by Dr. Sarika Arora, MD
You’ve tried exercising, eating healthy and cutting calories, but you still can’t lose weight! What’s going on? Most women over age 35 who struggle relentlessly with their weight are dealing with a systemic imbalance that is physiologically blocking weight loss. This is known as weight loss resistance, which urges your body to hang on to extra weight — no matter what diet or exercise measures you take. We know this situation is extremely frustrating, and while there is good reason for it, there are also effective solutions.

Your body chooses what to do with every nutrient you put in it and if the system is working smoothly, it makes healthy choices and you’re at a healthy weight. But our systems are vulnerable to a lot of disruption, especially after the age of 35, and once the body is out of balance, it becomes nearly impossible to lose excess weight. Any women who do manage to lose weight often gain it back quickly — unless they address the root systemic imbalance.
The most common systemic imbalances that lead to weight loss resistance in women are connected to thyroid disorders, adrenal imbalances, sex hormone fluctuations or neurotransmitter imbalances. Once the body regains balance, the weight comes off easily.
Most common causes of weight loss resistance
Hormonal imbalance. As early as 35 years old, our estrogen and progesterone levels can begin to fluctuate. And in an effort to preserve fertility for as long as possible, the body hangs on to extra fat — especially in the belly because this fat can make estrogen.
Thyroid imbalance. When thyroid hormones are low, key chemical messengers like serotonin, beta endorphin and leptin become mixed up and disrupt our eating behavior. These changes can strengthen cravings, inhibit the sensation of fullness, decrease energy, lower moods and lead to weight gain.
Adrenal imbalance. During times of stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol and adrenaline to mobilize quick energy for a “fight or flight” situation. Yet most modern stress doesn’t call for extra calories for us to physically fight or flee, so these get stored as fat. Long-term stress causes your body to hang on to every calorie it can in preparation for crisis.
A combination of imbalances. When one hormonal system is off balance, it can alter balance throughout your endocrine network, creating a ripple effect that impacts your overall health. This disruption can lead to a potent blend of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings.
Women who develop metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions like increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels, often find weight loss especially challenging. One reason is insulin resistance, a hallmark of metabolic syndrome, which causes the body to store more fat instead of using it for energy. Additionally, chronic inflammation and hormonal dysregulation associated with metabolic syndrome slow metabolism and make it harder to shed excess weight. Special metabolic support is needed to break through these issues and reset the body’s ability to lose weight.
Other factors that can prevent weight loss
In addition to the four most common imbalances, women also suffer frequently from digestive imbalances, detoxification issues and inflammation, which can lead to weight loss resistance. Digestive trouble is often linked to food sensitivities, and your body views this situation as another form of stress, ramping up cortisol and maintaining weight as a protective measure. An overload of toxins can mimic our hormones and disrupt fat deposition, as well as alter the way we metabolize sugar. Inflammation can cause weight gain through the loss of insulin control and quick conversion of carbohydrates to belly fat.
Four steps to overcome weight loss resistance
1. Understand your imbalance. Knowledge is crucial when it comes to beating weight loss resistance. Take our quick quiz to find out if you have weight loss resistance and what’s at the root of it.
2. Rebalance with herbal support. In addition to a balancing diet, you can use targeted herbal supplementation to bring your body naturally back into balance. Black cohosh, passionflower and red clover are great herbs for hormonal imbalances. Astragalus root, Siberian ginseng and rhodiola help the body rebalance under stress and high cortisol. Bacopa monnieri, hops and sage work well for a sluggish thyroid. There are well-researched natural options that can really help to break through the cause of your weight loss resistance — and help you feel better!
3. Boost your metabolism. Aside from the well known metabolism boosters like exercise, a good night’s sleep and healthy foods, you can support your metabolism with green tea extract, chromium and herbs. We’ve just discovered a blend of Indian sphaeranthus and mangosteen that can do wonders for fat burning. We’ve put these herbs and more in our M-Boost, a metabolic formula for weight loss.
4. Don’t deprive yourself of food. Balanced meals and snacks are the only way you’ll be able to stick with a new eating approach. Each meal should include some form of protein, fiber, healthy fat and complex carbohydrates.
Shed extra weight — this time for good!
If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, have tried everything and don’t know where to turn, you are in the right place. We can help you get to the root of your imbalance and give you the tools to rebalance your body. Our Weight Loss Resistance Package includes exclusive herb formulations to tackle the four most common imbalances (hormonal, thyroid, adrenal, neurotransmitter — you choose the herb formulation to fit your body’s needs), a delicious balancing diet, herbal metabolism support and a healthy snack shake. Plus, we always offer phone support from women right here in Maine to help you get the best out of our products. It’s time to get back your health, your happiness and your best body!
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